Wednesday, July 20
(I co produce this story telling series with lovelies Giulia Rozzi and Lianne Stokes.)
Otto's Shrunken Head
538 E 14th St between A & B
This month: Crushes
Guests: Tony Carnevale, Molly Anderson, Pete Olson, Brandy Barber
Omigod, this will be so fun. It'll be like a sleepover and we tell each other who our crushes are and then one of us will be made fun of the whole night and cause drama, but then we'll all laugh again over a bowl of ice cream. It'll be like that. So come to the show.
Me as Rosie Mc Davis
Full Moon Friday, July 22nd
doors at 8pm - $3
@ STAIN bar
766 Grand St. - Williamsburg
L to Grand, walk one block west
*Dance party starts at 11pm!
freaky funky family
*The anti-oppression festival of culture, art and revolution
I think this is a culture-ey night, which made me say "Sure, I'll be there". I like culture.
Saturday, July 23
I will be performing with my team Stomping Ground. Yay!
Stomping Ground at the Del Close Marathon
11:30 AM (morning, oh dear)
$5 (I think? I know it costs money. I don’t know how much. Oh well.)
Saturday, July 23
The Shark Show
Parkside Lounge
317 E Houston St
I will be doing the stand up here. I heart this show. Everyone there is so nice.
A solo show
Written and Performed by Becky Yamamoto
Directed by Alan Fessenden
Produced by Group 120
Juvie Hall
24 Bond Street (Bowery & Lafayette)
Under the Gene Frankel Theater
Opening Weekend
Thursday, July 28, 8pm
Friday, July 29, 10
Sunday, July 31, 2pm
And then later
August 4-7
August 11-14
Thursday-Saturday Shows, 8pm
Sunday Matinee Shows, 2pm