The holidays blah blah blah now officially over. I worried. I fretted and now the start of a new year. (I am neatly adjusting my stack of paper and sitting up straight.)
But here are some memories from the past few weeks...

This is my cousin Christina enjoying some bubbly and showing holiday spirit to the acorn wooden bar post thing.

This is my other cousin Tracey (I have more cousins but that's another story). We're going on a walk and she's showing her sheer enthusiasm for walks, sun and Christamas pudding (an English delicacy that is served with custard)

I am paying my respects to Santa who in turn is paying respects to the baby Jesus. Santa, thanks for taking off your hat. Thank you also for the bag of Fiber One. I really love fiber and you, and your son...wait a second.
We move on to New Years Eve and to Adira Amram's party. Lots of pretty people, dancing and drinking of champagne out of high heeled shoes.

Adira and me. (note Adira is dressed as New Years itself.)
Two cheeses and a 5 gallon jug of cheesey poofs.
Hard to decide which is packed more with real cheese.

Baron Vaughn with a plate of treats. Always there to give a friend some food, that Baron. Actually Baron presented me with a plate with two small morsels. I did not touch either, rather I settled for a bag of vittles called "combos".

Me and my roomie Crystal. She's looking very doe eyed. This was before she realized I was throwing gang signs behind her head at which point she stabbed me, but luckily the knife only went in 1 inch. I bled a little, we all breathed a sigh of relief and had a good laugh.

And then the party turned to dance fever.

I don't know what this move is, nor do I remember how this happened.

No words. Just look.

Adira Amram peacing out. Peace good people. Peace.
2007 yes.